- Mobile Vacuum packing machine with 2 chambers
- 2 x 304 stainless steel chamber – 506w x 558d x 265h
- Maximum bag size 500 x 500mm
- 2 sealing bars 500mm along the front  – other positions available please ring
- Pump capacity = 100 cubic metres per hour – pump ffed both chamber, only 1 chamber can be used at a time
- Automatic cycle – Vacuum cycle, sealing and lid opening
- Fitted with “Soft Air” function
- Programmable Electronic control board with vacuum control – with 5 programmable settings
- Convex lid
- Supplied with easily removable inclined polythene plate – allows liquids to be packed
- All stainless steel construction
- This machine can be fitted with an Inert Gas system – please ring office for details

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